There was a time when trading was a headache. Not anymore!
We offer information about ZuluTrade.

Autotrade the FOREX market like never before!
Let ZuluTrade drive trades by specialists into your FX account  FOR FREE !

ZuluTrade Account here  ZuluTrade Account here

No credit card required, our service is totally free.

Can FOREX beginners use this service?

There was a time when trading was a headache. Not anymore!
You don't have to study or monitor the market to make a good pick, because hundreds of industry well-known experts from all over the world are doing it for you.
All you have to do is pick the experts you like, and ZuluTrade will quickly convert their advice into live trades in your trading account directly with the broker. And the best of all, it's completely FREE!

Click here to open one now
in just 5 minutes !

ZuluTrade Account here

Signal Provider exsample

Can't you believe free service?

I think that it is a natural doubt.
There is only judging it from results for this doubt.
Please look at the results of the trader registered into ZuluTrade.

The Hunter

The above figure is a result of The Hunter's trading.
You should be able to understand that profits are increasing to the upward rise.

Trades 64
Winning trades 51
Winning rate 80%
Average trade time 0.1hour
Maximum drawdown 49pips

However, have users made a profit?

Please look at the results of the follower.

The Hunter
ZuluTrade - Autotrade the Forex Market like never before!

Autotrade with confidence

Open Account

  • Founded in 2006, ZuluTrade has become one of the major autotrade destinations worldwide.
  • Over 30,000 accounts.
  • Over 1,200 traders to autotrade.
  • No need to have your PC on.
ZuluTrade Account
ZuluTrade - Autotrade the Forex Market like never before!



What is ZuluTrade ?


ZuluTrade bridged the gap between valuable information in money markets and trade execution, by converting the advice of professional and talented traders globally to an executed trade rapidly and automatically in your account (from supported brokers)

There was a time when trading was a headache. Not anymore! You don't have to study or monitor the market to make a good pick, because hundreds of industry well-known experts from all over the world are doing it for you. All you have to do is pick the experts you like, and ZuluTrade will quickly convert their advice into live trades in your trading account directly with the broker. And the best of all, it's completely FREE!*

ZuluTrade receives rebates from the brokers, for the trades generated and splits them with the experts that provide the advice. Check the performance results recommended by our experts here


Who is placing the trades on my account? Do the experts know about my account?


None of the experts that recommend trades will ever know your account's existence. ZuluTrade receives their recommendations, and checks the experts you have subscribed with in your account profile, and decides whether or not to autotrade their advice in your live account using a secure direct connection with the broker's backend. ZuluTrade's patented engine places trades automatically with no human intervention. ZuluTrade service is server based, in other words you don't even need to have your computer on.


How do I get started?


All you have to do is provide ZuluTrade with the name and account number of the brokerage firm you're trading with. Sign and fax the LOD required by your broker, to authorize ZuluTrade to bridge the experts advice with your broker account.

If it is the first time that you will trade online or you never had an on-line trading account with one of the brokers we support, then the first step is to open a new account. Click here to open one now in just 5 minutes.


Are the results hypothetical? There are a lot of websites that claim all kinds of results...


Every signal received by ZuluTrade is executed on at least one live / demo broker account. The results contain final spread, swap rates, and profit or loss from current open positions, hence all possible costs by the broker. The spread is the standard spread advertised by the broker you're trading with. Hence our performance always reflects real market conditions. Due to the volatility of the markets, sometimes results may vary between accounts.All signals and trades executed on a demo account are considered to be hypothetical.


Can I open my account in different base currency than USD?


Yes. You can choose between USD, JPY, EUR, GBP and AUD.


I logged into my account. How many providers should I trade with?


On the account settings page in the member's login area, there is a wizard that corresponds to the lots traded by every provider and your equity. This wizard will display how many providers you should choose without having the risk of a margin call. Simply follow the wizard. Of course you can choose the signal providers manually if you wish.

Click here to open one now
in just 5 minutes !

ZuluTrade Account here

The reason that service of ZuluTrade is FREE

ZuluTrade receives rebates from the brokers, for the trades generated and splits them with the experts that provide the advice. Check the performance results recommended by our experts here.

ZuluTrade - Autotrade the Forex Market like never before!

No credit card required, our service is totally free.